вторник, 3 октября 2017 г.

Winter Break

Winter Break
craft room furniture Martha Stewart Home Decorators

Hello, Friends. Did you have a Merry Christmas? Are you enjoying the winter break with your kids?

We are trying to make the most of our precious week off. In the morning, while June naps, we accomplish as many move-related-tasks as possible. In the afternoon, we make sure the older kids get to do something fun — like ice skating or visiting the zoo. In the evenings, Ben Blair and I read (mostly, we are devouring books about France) or hit a late movie. Or both.

craft room furniture Martha Stewart Home Decorators

How about you? Are you fitting in some fun travel time this vacation? Or are you spending your week cozied up at home?

P.S. — Am I the only one coveting this new craft room furniture by Martha Stewart? Forget about a ball gown, this is what I want from my fairy godmother instead.

Original article and pictures take www.designmom.com site

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